Thursday, November 29, 2012


Ay', look! A program that isn't MS Paint! Made with paint tool Sai. It was a commission. Le like? ;D
AKA I stole 'someone's' computer and made a drawing on it with a tablet pen. :u

-- Jenny7

Friday, November 16, 2012


I am so proud of this. The reason is you, Tayoka.
All characters belong to Ming132.
The drawing belongs to me.
Radi's Theme Song

-- Jenny7

Miss Derp

It's my fursona's pet. Yup, Seeker has a pet fox. A female, gray fox named Nyota! Look at her sitting on her tail and staring at something with her skeptical face, trying to look important. D'aww. I'll write her bio later~
-- Jenny7

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Love The Way You Lie - Skylar Grey/Rihanna

[Click] (Rihanna version without Eminem)
So...that song. I love it so much. Therefor, I made two characters - Blue (The one with blue eyes) and Dark (The one with red eyes). They are a breed of cat I made up - As young ones, their forehead markings are white. If they are evil, they're markings begin to fade to black...but if they're good, then their markings stay white. Blue and Dark started out as kittens, sister (Blue) and brother (Dark). But as Dark grew older he became more violent...and kept on attacking and wounding people harshly - sometimes even killing them. Blue ran away from him, even though they were supposed to stick together. She watched him, spying on him. She didn't tell anyone, just herself. She was alone.
But, when he had started to be violent, Blue had gotten extremely shaken. She's been forever shocked with the fact that her brother, her own sibling, would do such a thing. She's seen him jump at another cat and attack it. Of course, the cat ran away luckily, but Blue noticed his marking - dark-gray, and was that...blood? Blood was trickling down his head, covering his mark. She knew that her brother had changed forever. Blood on a mark means nothing good...
She left and fell asleep for the night. When Blue woke up, she found Dark in a tide of blood. Blood. Her memory flashed to when they were kittens...and when she couldn't see the blood as she came to spy on him...and then the dark blood. His mark was now black. The darkest black. Blue fled, frightened, and went far away. However, soon a cat from outside the land she was in came - it had a huge, red mark on it's head. It was a evil cat, that was for sure, and it attacked Blue. Dark jumped out of nowhere, and killed the cat. Blue was shaking uncontrollably, and Dark glared at her, and then ran away. Blue followed him, and still hides in the cave he lives in, but hunts when he's in the cave, and goes into it when he's gone. Dark never notices her...only sometimes...rarely...when he saves her again.
-- Jenny7

Epic Random

*Ahem* I think the words show to enlarge.

-- Jenny7