Name: Fedha
Full Name: Fedha Mwezi Mwanga (In Swahili It Means: Silver Moon Glow)
Gender: Female.
Species: Canine > Wolf/Dog Mix > German Shepherd Wolf Mix (A quarter German Shepherd)
Type of OC: Fursona
Appearance: Not taking after her mother, a who looked like a German Shepherd (Despite being half wolf) and more taking after her father, a wolf, she is light-gray, with darker legs, tail-tip, and muzzle. Lighter ear-tips, blaze, and on her tail-tip is another lighter marking. Clear brown eyes.
Personality: Intelligent and clever, but stubborn and annoyed and angered quickly. She is quite competitive. Fedha is also ambitious (Just a note, ambitious does not mean evil.) and loves to be the leader of things, though if someone else is the leader she is usually fine with that...just usually. She is quite shy around strangers, but not all stammery and all that. Fedha is normally nice, sweet, and caring but you really don't wanna get on her bad side. Fedha also is able to hold grudges for a very, very, long time. She usually can make good decisions, and is also a bit brave...when she has to be. She always tries to stay calm, and try to see each side of the story. She is also pretty playful, hyper, and loyal. She also has a massive sweet tooth. Sneaky and kinda impatient, a bit lazy, she kinda acts like she is independent, but often likes to be around others more - and she is kinda paranoid.
Strengths: Running very fast, stamina, great hearing, swimming, sharp sense of smell, navigating, agile, fighting, tracking, stealthy.
Weaknesses: Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Pears (Goes into a state of shock when close to one, or faints), Clowns.
Likes: Lemons, Limes, Trolling, Hanging out with friends, Being lazy, Snow, Winter, Cookies, Drawing, Reading, Not having to travel a lot, Water, Swimming, Lemonade, Nan Tucket Nectar - The Kiwi Strawberry kind -, Having good come-backs, Hot Chocolate, Being the leader of things, Being hyper, Strawberries, Smoothies, Popsicles, Candy, Sweets, Donuts, Carrots, Being random, Cake, Throwing people (Especially Misitu and Ming) off cliffs to see if they can fly, The northern lights, Music, Owl City.
Dislikes: Lightning, Thunder, Heavy rain, Loud Noises, High Winds, Pressure, Masks, Clowns.
History: Undecided.
Mherrrm...writing bios is HARD.
-- Jenny7