Haaaaaaaai~ 8D
So I thought I'd just drop by to show you some random stuff. Like this picture above. Just a random cat, bein' all sad, and cute. ;-;
And onto these...dogs? Yeah. So there's one just wagging its tail, tongue hanging out of its mouth, being all floofy and stuff. And then there's one who has three legs and sitting and lookin' pretty and one that looks like it hasn't slept for three days that has a short tail and apparently is gnawing on a bone. They were originally going to be a species I made up but I dropped the idea, and just called them dogs. Though the thing above would probably explain why they look like no particular breed, and more like mutts.
And then I have this. It is a Work In Progress, but it's Seeker...on some weird glowing blue thing with tons and tons of stars in the background. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah. I'm very proud of this so far, as I had a couple attempts at making the blue thing and finally found something I liked, and at first I thought Seeker's pose was gonna look really weird and off but it actually looks somewhat nice! :D
Well that's all for now, folks. c;
- Jenny7