Monday, December 3, 2012

Corvette, Nyota, and Silverado arts!

...So this is a gift for Ming132.
So Silverado, Nyota, and Corvette are gonna go find Big Foot.
So Silverado's silver. Yup.
I'm quite proud of this! C: Their names are over their heads, but if you don't know these characters and you can't read their names then, from left to right...
Nyota. Corvette. Silverado.
It seems as if Silverado and Corvette aren't getting along... probably because they both like Nyota. *Shakefist*
Well, then, something bad happened between pictures. THIS IS NOT A SILVERADOXNYOTA SHIPPING! It's a CorvetteXNyotaXSilverado shipping. *Shakefist again* I'm very proud of this...though it was hard to draw Corvette sad. He's such a sweetheart! :c <3
But I like how the hearts came out, and the tears, and their shading. The foxes' shading could be better, but I was just testing shading anyway. As you can see, Corvette's world gets darker...and Nyota's and Silverado's, lighter...

-- Jenny7