Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why I Dislike Ashfur

This is a matter of opinion, so you don't have to scroll down into the comments and type
The only 'disagreeing response' I'm taking is a calm one, with no caps. If you feel like doing a complete rage and all-capital letters one...I'm seriously just not gonna publish your comment. So calm down.
As I said before, this is a complete matter of opinion and what is written below is just me explaining my opinion on a Warrior Cat. So before you start raging, think a little bit. OPINIONS.
I'm fine with people liking Ashfur, though I dislike him. All I'm saying is why I dislike him. I'm not trying to make people dislike him, because I don't want to micro-manage people's opinions.

Okay, now that we got that out of the way, here's why I dislike Ashfur *THIS CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS FOR ALL WHO HAVE NOT READ UP TO THE LAST BOOK OF POWER OF THREE*:

Well I really liked his character at first, when he didn't ever even make contact with Squirrelflight that much. Unfortunately, when the whole Squirrelflight-Ashfur-Brambleclaw thing I really thought that wasn't needed. And then Ashfur goes and tries to kill Lionpaw, Jaypaw, and Hollypaw. So some of you Ashfur-lovers are thinking 'It was because he felt betraaayeeeed!' Well would YOU later go and kill the supposed kids of the person that used you a tiny bit? No.
He should have gotten over it - he didn't need to do that at all. You know Frostfur and Brindleface and all those queens? Some of them had more then one mate! Ashfur, man, calm down. I really think he deserved to die, after overreacting and trying to kill some innocent apprentices. And I actually like Squirrelflight, because she said that they weren't her kits TO SAVE THEIR LIVES! So I don't really get why people dislike Squirrelflight.
Anyway, Ashfur...just...no...overreacted SO MUCH. That is NOT OKAY. Think of someone doing that in real life - what would you think? 'He needs more love! :C' is that what you would think? Of course not, you'd think they were insane. I'm not saying that people can't like Ashfur - They obviously can because I can't control other people -, this is just a example of why I dislike Ashfur.

Anyway, now that we got that done, have a great day!

-- Jenny7


  1. Ashfur is my second favorite Warriors character. I like him because even though he tried to hurt Squirrelflight, his story adds more events to the plot, and it makes the story more interesting. Plus, the expression "love hurts" fits him because I know he was really, really sad about Squirrelflight leaving him. I think his anger, sadness and confusion all morphed into insanity and he tried to hurt Squirrelflight.

    I would say moe, but I GTG.

    1. I believe it kinda makes the story too dramatic.
      Yes there is such thing as too dramatic too all who are reading this comment and don't know.

      I'm just not fond of him, the insanity was a good idea but then he was too insane, and if he hadn't tried to kill innocent apprentices and shown off his insanity instead by trying to kill Brambleclaw or something like that (Because he wants her to feel the pain of how she left him...well killing apprentices won't make her feel the pain of her being left...)

  2. I actually like him better then Hollyleaf.
    She thinks her life is terrible, and of course she goes and kills Ashfur to keep him from saying anything, then says everything!
    I still don't like Ashfur much too though.

    1. Hm, you have a very big point about Hollyleaf.
      In the 'Power of Three' series she really...really...really...REALLY annoyed me.
      Though in the 'Omen of The Stars' when she comes back, she's pretty kewl.

    2. ARGH! I agree. I hated Hollyleaf in the Power of Three- but the she got all "normal" again in OOTS. (I MEAN... EVERYONE WAS SO MEAN IN THE POWER OF THREE!! (Like what the heck was the whole LionxHeather thing?? .0. Anyway..back on track).

      I have mixed feelings about our bud Ashfur, I mean, he was alright but he had serious anger management issues. DUDE. PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BREAK UP WITH YOU. DEAL WITH IT. DON' GO KILLING CATS 'CAUSE YOU FEEL LIKE IT. GO TO A THERAPIST OR SUMTHIN.

      I think Ashfur counted on Squirrelflight too much, loved her too hard, and overreacted when she left him.

      0_0 Mebe he should have gone to the dark forest.....

    3. Hah, couldn't agree with you more on Power of Three. Really, I wanted to throw all of the books out the window because I was so tired of Sol and Hollyleaf and Jayfeather (So you got Brightheart for a mentor because your blind. And so you'll reject poor Brightheart when she's just trying to help?)...and Lionblaze (WHAT KINDA NAME IS LIONBLAZE ANYWAY?)...I really don't support LionxHeather. I get tired of the 'forbidden love' stuff really easily unless the PLOT forms around it. The plot DID NOT form around them falling in love. .-.

      When he was normal I loved him - he was actually a pretty cool background character! But then it went DOWNHILL LIKE CRAZY - I agree with you, TOTALLY!

      Your right...anger issues, man >w>

      "His only fault was to love too much" - Yellowfang
      Okay, Yellowfang, please, I loved you when you were alive but now your too serious. ._.
      Anyway, "Love too much"? That guy tried to kill innocent cats, he doesn't DESERVE to go to StarClan...well, yes, maybe he didn't...

  3. Haha sorry I'm getting back to you late on this comment, but I agree with Yellowfang-being-to-serious-thing.
    The Erins kind of ruined her in Starclan- but that doesn't mean I don't love her C: She's an awesome old grump.
